Sunday, January 29, 2012


Its been raining... alot. I caught this web sparkling in a rare moment between raindrops.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

week 2 All I need

This is a photo I took of my beauties on my birthday.

These are three of the greatest joys of my life. We spent the morning at Lake Cathie with my mum and dad and these three were clowns and entertainers the whole time.

I love them so completely, even with the occasional "drive me up the wall" moments, the crap mum days and the days I wonder when the heck Im ever going to get some time to just myself, I wouldnt ever be without them. They rock my world :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Week 1

I have been asked by a few people if I was participating in a Photo project this year and made the decision that I would. Project 365 seemed a bit daunting so Project 52 it is. And considering its week 2 and I havent posted last weeks photo yet, I think that was a good idea :)

I have also decided to let my kids do a kids version of it, but all three will be involved. Thanks to Annie at Paint the Moon for that idea!

This blog is new so I have no idea where it will lead, but its the photography side of my life. To see the other side, go on over to Mumma Made It and check out my daily stuff I do with my kids.
On this blog though, it will be all photo related things, some easy tutes, maybe a "join me!" thing, but hopefully a continued journey of learning through Photography :)

Last weeks photo is this.

Its sunrise over the water in Port Macquarie. Its the day I thought my nephew would be born so I got up at stupid O'clock ( otherwise known as 5am) and sat and watched this awesome display.
I love sunrises and captured many through winter when its more like 6.30am but this one was well worth getting up for :)