Monday, March 19, 2012

daddy and me

Mom Tried It


  1. I simply adore this shot!!! I really don't have enough space to say what I like about it. I think my favorite is the crispness you captured the motion with. Amahli's face is full of joy. I am having to look really hard to find a suggestion. Maybe a tighter shot or crop? But I like the vastness of the space around them too. It makes it feel like they are the only two in the world. I think seeing their expressions a little more would be good, though.
    Such a wonderful photo!!!

  2. Adorable shot!!! I like the composition, the way you captured their motion. Also - great job having the horizon straight! (a personal obsession of my, to always straighten the horizon...)
    Hard to find improvement ideas.... maybe you could try to find some middle tones for the shot - now the contrast is maybe a bit too high (either quite black or totally white)? Although this is just a matter of taste... :-)
    The overall feeling is just beautiful in this shot, and B&W is a perfect choice for tones.

  3. This is beautiful! I love this moment you captured and the composition is lovely!! The only thing I might change is that I'd love to see their faces a little better, maybe a slightly tighter crop, not much, or brightening their faces just a little. It's a fantastic shot. Well done!!!

  4. I love the moment that you captured. You can see the connection and joy between father and daughter. In the spirit of 'Photo Feedback' I'm stretching to find something to improve. One thing that comes to mind is that the dad's face is a little dark. Also, I'm not sure if the early water is waves crashing or sun glare. If it is sunglare, a polarizer might cut through some of the bright, allowing the exposure range to give more detail to your real subjects - the father and daughter. Again - a tiny thing, but the small island on the left edge competes for my eye with the dad. All of these are very trivial items on an absolutely wonderful photo!
